Rather than make excuses, like both Barry's and my camera (from each of our respective missions) being busted, I'll just show a smattering of what pictures we do have currently on iphoto... I think I'm supposed to warn that this is mega image-heavy or something...
So... From where I last left off... We moved to Montana for an internship for the summer and:
On the way to Montana for the summer we stopped at Mount Rushmore. This is what we saw... Nothing. All the foreign tourists kept asking us what we were taking pictures of. It was nuts because it's an entire MOUNTAIN directly in front of you that was completely hidden by the fog.
Jump ahead to all of our adventures boating in Montana...
This is the rare photo of Jude's Best Friend - Grandma. I'm pretty sure over the summer he thought she was his mom that he laughed with and loved and played hide and seek with and learned to somersault with, and I was his slave sister that changed all the diapers and fed all the food. He called us both mama. It was disturbing for a little while there.
Jude LOVES his grandpa - he would yell "Papa Papa Papa!" incessantly until my dad picked him up and held him any time he was around. It was so fun to see them be so cute with each other. He LOVED helping his Papa drive the boat. Now any time he sees any pictures of anyone with more-salt-than-pepper colored hair he thinks it's his Papa.
Jude grew and grew and learned to eat whole bananas. (BTW these jammies are Barry's homage to the Monkey-On-The-Lamb bit from Steven Colbert.)
We went 4 wheelin on the sand dunes in St. Anthony Idaho with my brother and sister and their families.
Barry learned to water ski!
I skied slalom.
We went to Myrtle Beach with Barry's family and hardly took any pictures. That's ok because Jude liked burying his face in the sand the best. I'm not kidding, it was kind of weird.
Oh yeah - Barry had an internship.
He was the best one, so he had the nicest office (just kidding they all had sweet views).
On the way back to Michigan we tried to see Mount Rushmore again and had a MUCH better view.
I ran my first race! It was a Red Carpet 5K with lots of my friends, all in tutus! (I later ran a half marathon on Mackinac Island, but those pictures haven't made it to iphoto yet...)
Barry bought us tickets to the So You Think You Can Dance tour for my birthday in August. It was torture waiting til October to go, but it was awesome! We got all fancied up.
And Barry was dead sexy.
Our tickets were literally the absolute furthest tickets from the stage, which coincidentally, when you're back that far, isn't much different from watching it at home on TV. Luckily our friends had seats ON THE FLOOR, third row from the stage and they had 2 empty seats next to them! We were so close we could see all the sweat and cellulite. It was awesome!
Michigan is THE BEST place to be in the fall. We've visited many a pumpkin patch or 9:
Jude and his girlfriend, Anna. No joke. Some days he wakes and says, "MAMA! Anna? Park?" I don't think she likes him like that, though.
These pictures are from a different farm. I dressed him so cute that day, not thinking about how hard it had rained earlier that morning and that we were in fact going to a farm. And Jude is all boy.
This is after Jude slipped several times trying to get to the chickens in the chicken coop. This nicely dressed black man watched Jude for a few minutes, laughing to himself before he said, "Ma'am, you dress him clean, but he ain't clean!" I took it as a compliment.
And finally, How Big is Jude Today? Even bigger than this by now! (Note he is displaying the best part of all pumpkin patches - warm sugary donuts. To die for!)