So... Before reading any further, please understand that I'm not willing to discuss it or especially argue about it because I think its a VERY VERY personal decision. But I've been trying a personally modified version of Infant Potty Training. Because it's seemingly a new idea, it appears weird to most of you. And after the most random people find out about what I'm doing (and I'm not very open about it - Before this post anyways), they feel free to lecture me on how I need to wait until Jude's ready a.k.a when they started potty training their own kid (between 2 and 3).
So to all the haters: Jude signed to me TWICE today (so it wasn't just luck) that he needed to go potty, and both times he pooped in the potty. When he's done he signs "All Done" and that's it. Periodically throughout the day I ask him if he needs to go potty, sit him down, and if he has to go, he goes, if he doesn't, the second I sit him down he signs "all done" meaning he doesn't have to go. Eventually he'll sign to me about needed to pee as well, and then we'll work on the night time, and my kid will be out of diapers and free of diaper rash by about 18 months.
It works for me, and Jude's bum is happy. Thanks, Kesli, for being supportive and for teaching me that's it's a personal decision and that Jude and I can do it our own way!
What can I say? Jude ROCKS and you are a superstar. I am so happy it is working for you and that you are doing it your own way. Way to go.
Who can argue with someone who has so much fun on the potty?! Great work, you three!!
hey Robbie uses his potty too, and he did it him self...I think its awesome! Go girl!
I am glad it is working so well. Carter is also probably an ideal candidate for early potty training for reasons you know too well!
That is so cool! I have heard it is difficult to potty train and boys are even harder to train than girls. I don't know why someone would think that your way of potty training is incorrect. I say whatever works! I cant believe that he is going in the potty so early. What a smart boy.
I hope you had a good visit to SLC. I wish we could have got together. I am sure you were busy with family things. Maybe next time :). Stay in touch.
WOW I think that is pretty amazing! I think all the haters are just jealous :). I have been thinking about starting to potty train Bella and I am sooo nervous, kind of a weird feeling but I am. Just don't really know what to do. let me know how it goes I think that is truly amazing good job!
holy moly - this is awesome!! So I wish I had your strength I totally thought about and had decided to start potty training Boston but I was stupid and had people telling me it would never work and that he would be potty training me and blah so I just erased it outta my mind - man I am weak!! Way to go - seriously that is awesome!! :) I can't believe he talks already too! Boston says momma and dadda and signs "more" and sometimes "all done" but that is the extent. You guys all rock!!
You go girl, that is awesome. Lilly started potty training at just past a year and was doing well. Then she changed her mind. Oh, well. If you have issues with rash, have you tried cloth diapers at night?
That is great! I have worked on some signing with Nick, but never thought to use it as a technique for potty training--good idea.
Ok really! Just now reading this post like almost a year later. And heck yes you rock. I'm totally already putting my kid on the toilet and he's only 9 months!! LOL! My grandma potty trained my dad at a year so why the heck can't we do it too!! NO DIAPERS = AWESOME!!! Are you guys diaper free now?
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