Monday, November 24, 2008

New Blog Alert

2 things.

1. I started a blog using Mac stuff. It's at It's so fun! I'm pretty sure all posts will be there from now on. It's easier to work on and I love everything Mac.

2. Why is the new trend to abbreviate exclamations? For example, ridic (instead of ridiculous), phenom (instead of phenomenal), fantast (instead of fantastic), you get the picture. Ok, I made up fantast, but ridic and phenom are quickly becoming everyday speech. I say it bugs. :)


Scott and Megan said...

sweetness i will check out the new blog stuff cause I need to see more pics of JUDE and keep up on your life. Ya, how bout bout (for about) or vaca (vacation) etc...interesting eh? I find myself falling prey to these simplistic evil vices sometimes... miss you guys LOVE YOU LOTS! Thanks for your comment on my post, it meant a lot! OK as a side note the letters to fill in for word varification are p-a-t-h-e....seriously I swear it's just like you said the slang for pathetic omg I am laughing so hard right now...

Melynn said...

Ha ha. My sister just told me hoe "fab" Maddi's Halloween costume was. So funny.